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What a party!

Wow. We’re all still recovering from an awesome evening with friends, family, and neighbors.

Yesterday was Desmond’s “May the the Fourth Be With You” party in our neighborhood park. It was complete with a food truck, live music, shaved ice, awesome raffle prizes, a special visit from the fire department, a miniature horse, and of course…storm troopers.

Yes…it was incredible. Yes…we’re still in a daze from it all.

Des could not stop talking about the storm troopers last night (he high-fived all of them but passed over Emperor Palpatine…). But by far the best part for me was just seeing everyone (yes, even you, Emperor…).

Seeing so many people coming out to enjoy the evening together was something I’ll never forget.

We try to teach the boys to be good—extend grace, be generous, do what you say, be kind, pick up after yourself, share. But the foundation of all that is to love God and love people.

Last night we saw that love and deep regard for people up close. We are in a community of others. A community of people who want want to help, need some help, like to laugh, want to make music, worry about things, and try to make the most of each day.

Last night was great proof that time spent together with people is so good. Coming together, making each other smile, and making the day brighter for each other. We’re grateful to everyone who made last night so special and we hope you all had a great time, too.

God has blessed us with so many people (you) in our lives. Thank you for being with us through this; encouraging us, checking on us, sending cards, praying for us, and coming to our “little get-together in the park”.

Tonight Desmond goes in for his 2nd treatment (of four) of this phase. It’s a 24-hour dose of chemo that he thankfully handles pretty well. It can cause nausea and mouth sores but we can manage that. Prescription anti-nausea meds + prescription chocolate ice cream.

The challenge with this medicine is that we want it to get in and out of his system on schedule. We don’t want it hanging around in his body longer than it needs to be there. It might make him glow in the dark or something.

That means that he’s on A LOT of fluids to flush it out. But healthy hydration is basically one of our family values (this is not a joke) so we’ll be fine. Sure, we’ll have frequent potty trips in the next few days but that just means that all systems are working…

So starting tonight and though this weekend, join us in staying hydrated. It’s officially Hydration Weekend for Team Des.

Drink up.

Categories: Uncategorized


1 reply

  1. So uplifting to read your positive remarks. Thoughts and prayers your way.