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Okay. A lot to catch up on.

Last Thursday Des went in for a fluoroscopy to check the status of his stomach. It was a live X-ray with some contrast fluid to see how stomach contents flowed around.

Unfortunately they found another perforation. Surgery fixed that up Friday morning. That made two stomach surgeries in one week.

Since then we’ve had a lot of visits from teams all over the hospital; gastroenterology, infectious diseases, surgery, endocrinology, and of course our friends at hematology/oncology. Everyone was trying to figure out why the perforations were happening. No one had a definite answer.

Gastro’s best guess is that the steroids weakened his stomach lining and that going forward we can just up his medication to protect that lining.

That sounds like a good explanation to us.

His second fluoroscopy was yesterday (Wednesday) and it came back all good. No leaks. He’s on clear fluids and nutrition delivered straight through the G-tube line to the stomach.

It’s huge progress to see his gut working. Taking in and pushing out. He hasn’t been able to do that in a couple of weeks. We’re grateful to see his little system working again.

Right now he is sleeping peacefully. His vitals are all in good ranges. And we just found out this evening that he is in remission.

Praise God!

Categories: Uncategorized


7 replies

  1. Thanks be to God for his faithfulness and for hearing our prayers!! Continuing to pray for your family.

  2. Thanks be to God for hearing our prayers and For His care for our family. Continuing to pray for all of you.

  3. Praise God! WE continue to pray for you Peyton family. WE serve a mighty God so WE pray for mighty things. Praise God from who all blessings flow. #runningwithDes

  4. Thank you for keeping everyone informed.
    So thankful he’s headed in the right direction. All systems go, feeling encouraged. Give him an extra little squeeze from me.