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Phase 2 ✔️

I’d have to go back and count but I believe there are 6 total phases of Des’s treatment. Each being 4-8 weeks long except the last which is the maintenance phase that will last a couple years. We have army crawled through Induction (phase 1), and seemingly skipped gaily through the fields here in Consolidation (phase 2).

Things we have learned through this last phase- God is continuing to carry us. People we love and people we don’t even know are still praying for us.

Des can swallow pills.

Des can eat.

Des wants his g-tube out and is working like gang busters to achieve that.

Des can ride his bike.

Des can sleep in his room.

Des is 4.

Des gets jealous when his brothers got cards and gifts from their classmates to show their love and support. 😂(don’t worry, it was a healthy exercise in humility and perspective for him)

All the nurses, doctors, staff, social workers, therapists truly care for our boy.

Des is allergic to a chemo derived from E. Coli. Gross and duh, right? Wouldn’t everyone be? Lol science amazes me.

Des’s body recovers like crazy. He hasn’t had to delay treatment due to his body not recovering from prior treatments (other than that pesky stomach perforation). So here we are. Able to continue chipping away at his treatment plan without delay.

Now Thursday we continue on with Interim Maintenance 1. This is an 8-ish week phase that involves some new chemo we haven’t experienced before, but also chemo that’s administered during a planned admission to the hospital. We are excited to simply know and have our bags prepared, and walk in the front door at a decent time of day (and not through the ER).

Our highlights and things we look forward to have definitely changed in the past months. Wooo admission!

Categories: Uncategorized

Sara Peyton

6 replies

  1. The first time Desi came home from the hospital I was scared we were not going to ever get our happy fun loving grandson back. Now he is running, jumping, laughing, and getting into mischief again, He still needs to get stronger but our boy is back, Love, Grandpa and Grandma Poe

  2. Thanks for these updates. It is a mighty confirmation that God is at work in Desmond’s life. Out church family loves your whole family.

  3. Thank you for the updates (here and at Sunday suppers 😊❤) I can’t wait until we get to see Des again – I sure do miss that little stinker.❤❤❤ As always, he is in our prayers.


    Aunt JuJu

  4. sure miss seeing those boys out in the street playing….. praying for you