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First day, last day

Two big milestones today… A beginning and an ending.

It’s the first day of school! Solomon and Luke went back with smiles this morning (1st Grade and 2nd Grade). New water bottles, new lunchboxes, new stuff to learn.

After dropping them off and snapping some photos, Sara and Des returned to a much quieter house.

Homework here we come!

Today also marks the last day of Desmond’s “Delayed Intensification” phase. It was the last big push of immunity-blasting, hair-eliminating meds. There’s still plenty more medication to come but the intense stuff is behind us.

I remember 8 weeks ago when we were on the other side of this, just getting ready to start. Not knowing what to expect from new chemo. Knowing exactly what to expect from other ones. Not exactly living life from a place of confidence…

But with tons of prayer, support from all of you, and the incredible medical team at Norton’s we’ve made it through. With strength! And please understand what I’m saying—we have made it through with strength that did not come from ourselves. We have been carried.

And to give you an idea of how we’re doing right now…we took a family bike ride around the neighborhood last night. That was only a dream just months ago.

Today is an important turn in Des’s treatment. He gets a week break then begins “Interim Maintenance 2” on the 1st of September. Plenty of infusion clinic days are ahead marked on the calendar (working on that Novak Center Platinum Member Rewards Card) but here’s the really good news…

As long as numbers do what’s expected he can start to visit extended family soon. And once we begin the “Maintenance” phase around November he can begin going to church again.

We are really looking forward to that day.

So while to we try to treat every day with gratitude, these big milestone days are nice to take in, too.

And one last thing…our pediatrician is training for a mega-race down in Disney in January. Over four consecutive days she’s running a 5K, a 10K, a half marathon, and then a full marathon. She’s running in honor of two people, and one of them is Des.

You can read more about her here (and even buy a cookie cake for her fundraiser).

That’s it for now. Make sure to tell someone you love them.


To this I hold, my Shepherd will defend me
Through the deepest valley He will lead

Oh the night has been won, and I shall overcome
Yet not I, but through Christ in me

The night is dark but I am not forsaken
For by my side, the Saviour He will stay
I labour on in weakness and rejoicing
For in my need, His power is displayed

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