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Sara Peyton

Phase 2 ✔️

I’d have to go back and count but I believe there are 6 total phases of Des’s treatment. Each being 4-8 weeks long except the last which is the maintenance phase that will last a couple years. We have army crawled through Induction (phase 1), and seemingly skipped gaily through […]

So Angry

(This isn’t a sweet post, but it’s truthful) me. Angry. Screaming in my pillow, hitting the mattress, crying, breaking down in the car, vegetating on the couch all day. Isn’t it enough? We are home 36 hrs and have learned duties that only nurses should be doing on our child […]

I hate poop

If it’s not one thing, it’s another. We got a handle on meds, now it’s poop that is giving us fits. Des gets an incredible pain from being backed up, and even though two doses of miralax and another medication that is supposed to push it out goes in him […]


Good evening. I figured I’d join in the blogging fun for a turn. So today was a big day. It marked halfway through the first phase of treatment. It was Des’s first outpatient experience,. And first day of using a power wheels car as a mode of transportation for 3 […]