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Every day is a gift

Somewhere on the 4th floor of the Novak Center clinic in Louisville there is a box. I’m not sure how it’s labeled or what the box looks like but I know what’s inside. Inside that box the nurses keep dozens of brightly colored streamers, attached to sticks or dowel rods. […]

Take a breath, and feel it

Two years ago this weekend our family was one week into the new year. I had been back at work after the holidays for a week. Sara was getting the boys back into the school schedule. Solomon and Luke were in kindergarten and first grade. Desmond was sick. When we […]


Yesterday, Friday the 27th, was Des’s 500th day of leukemia treatment. 500 days. When cancer came into our family last January we shifted to a one-day-at-a-time attitude (well…we tried to, at least). It’s the only way to stay sane and grounded, especially in the beginning. Back then our expectations for […]

First day, last day

Two big milestones today… A beginning and an ending. It’s the first day of school! Solomon and Luke went back with smiles this morning (1st Grade and 2nd Grade). New water bottles, new lunchboxes, new stuff to learn. After dropping them off and snapping some photos, Sara and Des returned […]

An overdue update

Hang on a minute. Let me blow the dust off this blog. Sorry for the long stretch without an update. Here’s where we are… Des is doing great. He’s in the “Delayed Intensification” phase of treatment. And yes, that phase is exactly like you would expect. Intense meds. This is […]

What a party!

Wow. We’re all still recovering from an awesome evening with friends, family, and neighbors. Yesterday was Desmond’s “May the the Fourth Be With You” party in our neighborhood park. It was complete with a food truck, live music, shaved ice, awesome raffle prizes, a special visit from the fire department, […]

It’s been two weeks

Today marks two weeks of being home without a hospital admission. And even better than that Des is moving around more than ever…WALKING. His steps are still unsteady but he’s moving getting around more every day. And pretty soon I’m sure he’ll be back to running. When I first titled […]

A milestone

Today marks an important milestone since Des’s diagnosis in January. This is our first Sunday morning all at home. Since January 10 we’ve spent Sunday in the hospital. But not today! We brought Des home from his third hospital admission this past Tuesday. No fevers since then so we’re on […]


Friday is Day 21 of our 2nd stay in the hospital. Some things that have happened in that time… The Super Bowl Des had two stomach perforations (both successfully repaired). Valentine’s Day Single-digit temps and snow A 60-degree day We read Curious George about 500 times Luke, Solomon, and I […]