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Yesterday, Friday the 27th, was Des’s 500th day of leukemia treatment. 500 days.

When cancer came into our family last January we shifted to a one-day-at-a-time attitude (well…we tried to, at least). It’s the only way to stay sane and grounded, especially in the beginning.

Back then our expectations for life were flung out the window. We found out early on that looking ahead and guessing/wondering what the future looks like is not exactly an encouraging habit.

It’s natural and normal to want to know what comes next. Taking the pieces of now and look ahead making guesses.

It’s also natural that those thoughts turn negative.

Worrying about side effects of upcoming treatments.

Wondering if a fever will spike at just the wrong time.

Worrying if the scratch from a minor bike accident will get infected and spread.


“…do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

So we try to make it a habit to focus on today. Praying for strength in today. Being grateful for the running and playing and laughing today. Making sure everyone knows they’re loved today.

That’s why it’s strange for me to see that we’ve been at this for 500 days.

So instead of doing a 500-day review, I can tell you what today, Day 501, looked like:

  • Luke and Des helped me make French toast with Sara’s Strawberry Lemon bread
  • Solomon helped Sara do some cleaning and sell some bread
  • All three boys went to a birthday party
  • Sara finished reading Where the Crawdads Sing and I made it a little further through Moby Dick
  • We made cookies (butter pecan) and ice cream (lemon) and packed some snacks for tomorrow’s day trip to visit family
  • Des ate a great dinner and took some expensive pills afterward

Wow, looking back that’s a lot. There was even some more stuff in there I didn’t include but I don’t want to come off like some weekend overachiever.

Anyway, know that we’re doing great and we’re taking it one day at a time…as if there were any other way.

We hope you have a great day.

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